Are you a follower of Phylicia Rashad? She is popular enough for the youth at this time. We have covered the details of this Singer and Actress. If you are interested in Phylicia Ayers-Allen, we can assure you will be happy by visiting here. Scroll down the below section, you will get Phylicia Ayers-Allen age, net worth, height, affairs, education and many more. Let’s forward to the next section.
The birth name of this Singer and Actress is Phylicia Ayers-Allen. People and her relatives often call him Phylicia Rashad. She has American citizenship. The name of her home town is Houston, Texas, U.S.. To get more information scroll the following table.
Original name | Phylicia Ayers-Allen |
Celebrated Name | Phylicia Rashad |
Male/Female | Female |
Profession(s) | Singer and Actress |
Nationality | American |
Birthplace | Houston, Texas, U.S. |
Birth Date | 19-Jun-48 |
Age | 74 years old |
Height | 1.65 m |
Height(s) Feet | 5 feet and 4 inches |
Height(s) cm | 165 cm |
Weight | 65 kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 143 pounds |
Dates with | To be Updated |
Marital Status | Divorced |
Spouse | Will be Updated Soon |
Children | 2(Condola Rashad) |
Earning | Not Known |
Net Worth | $60 million |
You must have idea about Phylicia Ayers-Allen age! If not, then nothing to worry about this. Birthday and information like Birthplace, home town etc have been focused here. Based on our research the birthday is on 19-Jun-48. The current age is 74 years old. According to our research, She was born in Houston, Texas, U.S..
Physical beauty expresses how much your favorite celebrities take care of their beauty and fitness. Celebrities physical state, height, weights, etc always create new trends. We can feel about it. She is almost 1.65 m. The weight is 65 kg. We have put the latest value of her weight here though it can change at anytime.
What is the marital status of Phylicia Ayers-Allen? If you a gossip lover then you will enjoy this part here we have talked about the personal life of Phylicia Ayers-Allen. To give idea about her marital status, affairs, hobbies, and many other things we decorated this section. You will be able to know about her favourite things and pernoalities in this part. You can check the table to know about marital status and other information.
Do you want to know about the net worth of Phylicia Rashad? Do you know how much She earn every month or her salary? You know well that no one’s salary and assets remain fixed for a long period of time. By table get idea about her net worth and salary. All her controvercies are updated in this section. The total net worth of Phylicia Rashad is $60 million.
The date of birth of Phylicia Rashad is 19-jun-48.
She is Singer and actress.
The birthplace of Phylicia Rashad is Houston, Texas, U.S..
The net worth is $60 million.
She is 1.65 m tall.
This is all about Phylicia Ayers-Allen’s net worth, bio, height, weight, and other information. Hope the above information helps you to know about her. Do you find anythig wrong in all of these? inform us through comment or use our contact detailsWe are looking forward to hearing from you.